Become a Sponsor

We are a 100% volunteer and donation run nonprofit 501C–6. We foster connections, educate, evangelize and promote UX! We work hard to bring quality content to the NYC UX community and beyond. By being a Sponsor, you help support the UX Design community and promote professional growth for individuals within the UX field.

Event Sponsorship

Host an event at your location (your name is on all the materials):

  • Our event locations rotate based on the number of people who attend and the type of event (e.g. workshop vs. lecture) — we always welcome different spaces and atmospheres for these gatherings.

  • You can host an event that relates to your business! Not ready to host an upcoming event? The NYC UXPA maintains a secure venue database. When an event feels appropriate, we’ll contact you as a potential hosting site.

One time event donations help cover the following (we thank you at the event):

  • A virtual networking meet and greet before the main event.

  • Accessibility accommodations.

  • Supplies such as name tags, pens, etc.

  • Any associated HVAC or security fees that come with using the space

Overall Sponsorship

Please send an email to if you would like to sponsor one of our recurring series or give a general donation. Some perks include:

  • Donations at the $500 level: mention on our page for the specific event.

  • Donations at the $1000 level: mention on our website for one year.

  • Donations at the $2,500 level: mention on our website for one year and free job listings on our exclusive UX boards.